City Laws 60% open


What data is expected?

This data category requires all city laws and statutes to be available online, although it is not a requirement that information on legislative behaviour e.g. voting records is available.

  • Content of the law / status
  • Date of last amendment
  • Amendments to the law (if applicable)

How open is the data?

All answers

Question Answer Comment
Available in bulk No No. You have to download the law, law project, annexes and related document separately.
In an open format We could also find the data in: PDF, TIF and DOC formats.
Available free of charge Yes
Up-to-date Yes Yes. The recent diverse types of laws are updated in the legislative official website. We could find laws dated of November 2017.
Available free online Yes Yes. The data is available at the public official website of the municipal government.
Openly licenced Yes It is in public domain, at the legislative municipal official website. Terms of use are not necessary. Comentário dos Revisores: Através site da câmara podemos acessar diretamente a Lei Federal 12.527, de 2011, Lei de Acesso a Informação que regulamenta a disponibilidade de dados governamentais do Poder Executivo, Legislativo e Judiciário. Percebemos isto como uma intenção de amparar os dados disponibilizados pelo portal na LAI, sendo portanto informações públicas.
findable 4
findable_steps I accessed the Câmara de Uberlândia official website, looked for the transparency section, and immediately found the subsections: Portal do Cidadão, Legislative Process as well as Municipal legislation.
Collected by government Yes
usability 3 Little or no effort is required to make the data usable.
collector_name Câmara Municipal de Uberlândia. The data is inserted by the own government and the name of the person responsible for the registry is available.
characteristics Content of the law / status, Amendments to the law (if applicable) There are two different sections. One is regarding legislation to be approved and the other is related to the legislation already approved. In the first case, you have information such as creation date, last processing date, follow-up date and resume. However, such information is not available in the approved law section. Both sections enable the public to search by the content of the law. However, the Monitoring of the legislative process section (not yet approved) is the only one that enables you to search by the status. You can also find other related information such as the situation of the project, the date of the creation of the law as well as the starting date of validity, the number of the project, even the person who has registered. However, it does not mean that all these information are available. On the other hand, the Legislative official website allows the public to search the approved laws by: type, number, dates (initial/final), author and content, at the Portal do Cidadão. You do not need to fill in all the spaces. Amendment to the Organic Law can be searched at the Monitoring of the legislative process section. Further, the amendments are already included in the law texts once downloaded. Comentário dos Revisores: Ao checar algumas leis, não foi possível identificar na lei alterada o registro de alterações. Apenas informava qual lei estaria sendo alterada.
location - Acompanhamento de Processos Legislativos, - Consulta Leis There are two different sections. One is regarding legislation to be approved and the other is related to the legislation already approved. In the first case, you have information such as creation date, last processing date, follow-up date and resume. However, such information is not available in the approved law section. Moreover, you cannot search by law project at the law consultation section; you have to search at the Legislative Process section, but you can find the associated law with the law project attached. Then, you can download the project law as well as other related annex, such as the official correspondence from the Mayor requesting the law approval jointly with its justification. You can also find other related information such as the situation of the project, the date of the creation of the law as well as the starting date of validity, the number of the project, even the person who has registered. However, it does not mean that all these information are available. On the other hand, the Legislative official website allows the public to search the approved laws by: type, number, dates (initial/final), author and content, at the Portal do Cidadão. You do not need to fill in all the spaces. The registration is not necessary.

Agradecimentos a Mayara por sua inestimável participação no Brazil Open Data Index.

Meta data

Data location - Acompanhamento de Processos Legislativos - Consulta Leis
Data licence
Data format   Unknown
Reviewer   Davi Ventura
Submitters   Mayara D
Last modified   Sun Dec 03 2017 18:44:54 GMT+0000 (UTC)